PWLD 1: Step 1. Identify the Problem

Let me start this blog by saying I have been overweight to obese for years now. I was not like this before. When I searched for previous photos, I was actually thin before. Hehehe. I guess it started out when I got to party-able. Beer here and there from Monday to Saturday, cholesterol, etc. I guess I was not able to recover, so to speak.

For 4 consecutive years, my annual physical exam always shows that I need to lose weight. And for 4 consecutive years, I did not. Well, I tried -- and it worked -- for a while. I enrolled in a fitness club, but I was not able to sustain it. The longest consistent 'healthy' lifestyle that I had was 3 months. By healthy lifestyle, I actually meant the following:

  • healthy food (3 big meals, usually fish, healthy part of chicken and pork, vegetables, you know, the whole shebang)
  • regular exercise (3-4 times workout at the gym)
  • enough sleep (6-7 hours, I think)

But right now, I don't think I am in that state. My current lifestyle is basically home, work, home; I think I eat too much food; I am sleep-deprived -- basically the opposite of my ideal situation. And because of this, I am obese.

My body mass index (or BMI; the measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women) is 34.6.

Height = 5 ft 5.5 in
Weight = 211 lbs
My BMI  = 34.6
>Underweight = <18.5
>Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
>Overweight = 25-29.9
>Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
I decided it's time to get to work. LET'S GET READY TO RRRRRRUMBLE!!!!

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